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Daniel Molkentin - The Book of Qt 4. The Art of Building Qt Applications |
Категория: C++, Библиотеки, QT, Книги | Добавил: root, 27 июня 2008 | Просмотров: 12752 |
Daniel Molkentin - The Book of Qt 4. The Art of Building Qt Applications
Издательство: William Pollock ISBN: 978-3-937514-12-3 Год: 2007 Страниц: 442 Язык: англ
Формат: PDF Размер: 6 Mb
От издателя A number of years ago, I happened to come across an article on GUI programming with C++. I had just started learning C++ and was amazed at how little code the author2 needed to produce a complete game, including the menus. Of course, there were a number of constructs that needed explanation, but after a short time I was hooked: The Qt library that he used turned out not only to have a very extensive collection of all kinds of useful widgets (also known to Windows programmers as control elements), but in addition had standard algorithms, data structures, and other nongraphic classes that made programming with C++ so intuitive, in a way that I had never seen before in any other toolkit. The software company, Trolltech, was also promoting its own platform-independent API. This toolkit, which could produce programs for both Windows and Linux, simply by recompiling the code, attracted my attention. Shortly after this, nearly six years ago to the day, I joined the KDE project, which was developing an entire desktop based on Qt. Today, together with GNOME, KDE is one of the most important desktops under Linux. But Qt is also used by a substantial number of companies: Google Earth is based on Qt, as is the telephony software Skype and the video editing program MainActor. When Trolltech published a pre-version of Qt 4 in 2005, I started trying out several of the new functionalities and was very impressed. For the first time there was a uniform licensing scheme for variations of Qt, which until then were different for Linux and Mac OS X: Quid pro quo—those companies that publish a program under an open source license may use the open source version of the library. But if the company is developing proprietary programs, then it pays for Qt license fees, thus supporting the development of the toolkit, and receives support from the manufacturer. This structural level is of relevance as far as the licensing of the commercial Qt version. Trolltech has three editions of Qt 4 available: Qt Console for nongraphic development, and Qt Desktop Light and Qt Desktop as versions containing all features. The open source version in each case corresponds to the desktop edition, so it is not restricted in any way in terms of size.
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